
Please note all statutory policies can be found in the Statutory Information section.

To ensure we are working together for the benefit of all our children within the school, the Senior Leaders and Local Body Members would advise parents to ensure they are aware of the following policies:



Access to Education - Attendance Procedures October 2021
Accessibility Plan 2022/2023
Anti-Bully Policy September 2023
Behaviour Policy September 2023
Croxby Behaviour Policy July 2024
Blended Learning June 2021
CCTV Policy September 2023
Calculation Policy + Calculation Policy Guidance 2020/2021
Charging Remissions Policy TCAT October 2022
Child Sexual Exploitation Policy TCAT April 2023
Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy Croxby September 2023
External Complaints Procedure December 2021
Curriculum Policy December 2022
Data Protection Policy June 2023
E-Safety Policy March 2023
Equality Objectives Statement October 2022
Exclusion Policy January 2023
EYFS Policy July 2021
Freedom of Information Policy September 2018
Health & Safety Policy January 2023
ICT Acceptable Use Policy March 2023
Intimate Care Policy  January 2021
Marking & Feedback Policy September 2022
PREVENT Policy December 2021
Promoting Equal Opportunities Policy (Learners) February 2023
Records Management Policy January 2024
Relationship and Health Education Sept 2022
SEND Policy July 2024
Supporting Learners with Medical Conditions Policy September 2023
Teaching, Learning & Assessment Policy September 2022
Uniform Policy September 2022
Whistleblowing Policy July 2021

If you are experiencing difficulty accessing these policies or would like a paper copy please contact the academy office (processed within 24 hours). In addition, our Academy Travel Plan highlights the expectations of travelling to our busy academy site, both at the usual times and in exceptional circumstances.

Our Travel Plan highlights that Bricknell Avenue is a very busy road and though we are lucky to have the provision of a Crossing Patrol, it is essential that all children and parents use this facility in order to keep safe.