School Meals
Please click each section for further information.
School Meal Information
ABM Catering provides an excellent variety of meals for all children and free school meals for Key Stage 1, which are all cooked on our premises daily and served to our children in our school hall.
The cost of each meal is £2.40 which is considerably less than the Local Authority recommendation, and it is our express desire to keep costs to a minimum.
All meals must be booked in advance via your Arbor account. Click on the link below for instructions
How to book and change a booking guide
We do not operate a home lunch option, children can bring a packed lunch if they do not wish to have a school meal.
Please Note: Nuts of any kind including chocolate spread containing nuts or hot food (eg soup) in thermos flasks etc should not be brought into school.
Lunch booking closes at 9.00am each day.
ABM Menu - please click to view
Snacks and Drinks
All children are welcome to bring in a healthy snack and drink of water from home. The children are also encouraged to bring with them a bottle of water to have during lessons.
In addition, we provide all our Foundation Stage children with a drink of milk each day – this is essential for healthy development and over and above the stated statutory requirement.
Free School Meal Information
Free School Meals
In England, free school meals (FSM) are currently a legal entitlement available to eligible pupils. Local authorities are responsible for providing free school meals.
We encourage parents and carers to apply for free school meals as we know that this both saves parents money and encourages students to eat healthy food.
Some parents may be reluctant to apply because they are concerned about any stigma attached to students receiving free school meals. However, because this system is automatic, students are not personally identified as receiving a free school meal and as such, anonymity is ensured.
If you pay for school meals, you can save almost £100 in primary schools and almost £409 in secondary schools by applying for Free School Meals.
Parents and carers in England do not have to pay for school lunches if their child is known to be eligible for free school meals. Children are eligible if their parents meet certain eligibility criteria and if they make a claim for FSM. As stated in the previous section, all infant school pupils receive free school meals, regardless of household benefit status.
If a pupil is known to be eligible for FSM in a given school year, they remain eligible until they finish their current phase of education (primary or secondary).
Since 2014, all infant school pupils (Reception, Year 1, and Year 2) in state-funded schools are eligible for a free school meal.
Parents currently meet the eligibility criteria if they receive any of the following:
Income Support
Income-based Jobseekers Allowance
Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
The guaranteed element of State Pension Credit
Child Tax Credit (provided they are not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190)
Working Tax Credit run-on – paid for 4 weeks after a person stops qualifying for Working Tax Credit
Universal Credit – with household income of less than £7,400 a year (after tax and not including any benefits) from 1 April 2018, with transitional protections for previously existing claimants.
Further guidance on who qualifies under the extension can be found on the website.
To check your eligibility or to make a new claim, visit the link below.
East Riding of Yorkshire Council
Check eligibility: Free school meals (
Apply: Free school meals - East Riding of Yorkshire Council
If you believe you may be eligible for Free School Meals, as you are a low income family or receiving benefits, then please contact our School Office for further details. Acceptance for Free School Meals not only provides your family with a benefit to the value of approximately £450 per child per year, but also benefits the school via the Government's Pupil Premium Grant.