Personal Development

At Croxby Primary School we are Set for Success!





At Croxby Primary School we are SET FOR SUCCESS!

At Croxby, we understand that pupils must be provided with an education that prepares them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life. A key part of this relates to the relationships and health education, which must be delivered through personal development lessons to every primary-aged pupil.

Through our personalised curriculum and enrichment package, we go the extra mile to ensure our children are Set for Success within their relationships, with their health and wellbeing and for living in the wider world.

At the heart of our curriculum design is the belief that children's voices matter. We encourage pupils to question; to discuss and challenge diverse positions respectfully and compassionately; and to consider views about our world and how we should live in it so that diversities are enabled and celebrated.

Our personalised PD curriculum aims to: shape our children’s moral purpose, help them to understand their own identity, value the diverse experiences and contributions of others who may be very different from themselves and help them to thrive through informed curiosity about the world. Croxby pupils’ will develop socially and personally so that they can develop skills to become compassionate citizens in their local and global communities and strong learners for the future.


Our Set for Success curriculum is built around the principles of cumulative knowledge. The effect of this cumulative model supports opportunities for children to build on previous knowledge and deepen their understanding of big ideas and concepts. Every year group will have a 30-minute lesson per week dedicated to personal development, alongside this are weekly Set for Success assemblies, delivered by the senior leadership team, that focus on a range of big ideas such as trust, values, aspirations, responsibility or leadership. Each year group has a series of enrichment opportunities linked to their learning content to deepen their understanding further.

*Retrieval practise is planned into the curriculum through spaced learning and interleaving and as part of considered task design by the class teacher.  Consistent retrieval of knowledge helps our children to know more and remember more.

*Explicit Vocabulary is purposefully sequenced into the curriculum to ensure Tier 2 and 3 vocabulary is explicitly taught along with the etymology and morphology, relevant idioms and colloquialisms to ensure learning sticks. We aim to provide a high challenge with low threat culture and put no ceiling on any child’s learning, instead providing the right scaffolding for each child for them to achieve.

*Misconceptions are explicitly revealed as non-examples and positioned against known and accurate content as pupils become more expert in their understanding. Misconceptions are challenged carefully and in the context of the substantive and disciplinary knowledge.

*Cumulative quiz questions - Feedback, low-threat quizzes, thinking hard tasks and structured assessment tasks all contribute towards the bigger picture of how well pupils retain and remember the content.


The impact of this curriculum design will lead to outstanding progress over time across key stages relative to a child’s individual starting point and their progression of skills.


  • Questioning
  • Pupil Study (talking about learning with the children)
  • Talking to teachers
  • Low stakes ‘Drop-in’ observations
  • Quizzing and retrieval practise
  • Live feedback

Children will therefore be expected to leave Croxby as well-rounded citizens who are socially and emotionally prepared to live in the wider world.

What is my child learning?

What is my child learning in their year group?

Here is the Personal Development yearly overview. For a deeper look into your child’s year group content, please see Subject Long-Term Plans below.


The Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum supports children’s understanding of personal development through the planning and teaching of ‘Health and Self-Care’, ‘Building Relationships’, ‘Managing Self’ and ‘Self-Regulation’ where we explore families and people who care for me, caring friendships and respectful relationships.    

These aspects are about how children find out about the importance of families because they can give love, security and stability. Children learn how others’ families sometimes look different from their own family and the characteristics of healthy family life and how to recognise if family relationships are making us feel sad. Through caring friendships, children learn about the characteristics of friendships like mutual respect, truthfulness, trustworthiness, kindness, generosity and sharing interests and experiences. We also learn about the importance of respecting others, even when they are different in character, physically, personality or background. As well as thinking about our emotional health, we also learn about the different ways in which we can stay physical healthy and clean to protect our bodies.   

We support our personal, social and emotional development learning through sharing stories, circle time activities and when in provision. Our children enjoy the valuable experiences gained from exploring their friendships with others through meaningful play.  In addition to this, we focus on the different ways in which we can stay safe when we are playing online through stories and fun quizzes. 

Our skilled early years practitioners encourage deeper thinking about our personal, social and emotional development by giving children time to discuss, comment and ask questions about what they have experienced and how they feel when playing. We raise questions such as, ‘Which emotion is… feeling?’, ‘How can we sort this out so that it is fair?’, ‘Tell me, which different groups do you belong to?’, What makes you special?’, ‘What makes a good friend?’, ‘Tell me, how should you treat others? Why?’, ‘Can you tell me some of the ways that we can stay safe, e.g. on roads and online?’, ‘What do you know about different foods?’ and ‘Tell me, what do we need to do to keep our bodies healthy and clean?’   

Use of language relating to personal, social and emotional development is used in daily conversations with children for example, ‘healthy, ‘exercise’, ‘safety’, ‘hygiene’, relationship’, ‘difference’, ‘respect’, ‘belief’, ‘community’, ‘belong’ and ‘persevere’. We ensure we are preparing our young pupils to be physically and mentally healthy by equipping them with the necessary skills to be successful in their future personal development learning by developing the disciplinary skills at an early stage.