Our Uniform
At Croxby Primary, the school uniform is a major part of our ethos and all children are required to wear the following items of uniform:
Uniform items can be purchased from Steady Schoolwear (with school logo) or any large supermarket. It is not available to purchase from the school.
The school will not be held responsible for any loss, damage or theft of personal property.
Please click on each section below for further information.
Nursery to Year 5
- Navy school jumper or cardigan (with school logo available from Steady Schoolwear - optional)
- White polo shirt
- Grey trousers, (no leggings) shorts, skirt or pinafore (must be knee-length)
- Grey, black or white socks
- Grey or black tights
- Sensible plain black shoes or plain black trainers – no heeled shoes, flip-flops or sandals
A blue and white checked summer dress can be worn during the summer term.
Year 6
Ties to be worn by Year 6 Pupils only
- Labelling - All pupils’ clothing is clearly labelled with their name.
- V Neck Navy school jumper or cardigan (with school logo available from Steady Schoolwear - optional)
- White shirt
- Tie (blue and red)
- Grey trousers, (no leggings) shorts, skirt or pinafore (must be knee-length)
- Grey, black or white socks
- Grey or black tights
- Sensible plain black shoes or plain black trainers – no heeled shoes, flip-flops or sandals
PE Uniform
Indoor PE (EYFS to Year 6)
- Plain white or house colour T-shirt (no football/rugby tops or T-shirts with logos)
- Black shorts
Outdoor PE (EYFS to Year 6)
- Plain white or house colour T-shirt (no football/rugby tops or T-shirts with logos)
- Appropriate trainers with plain coloured laces (no bright colours)
- Plain Black Tracksuit/joggers/leggings/sweatshirt optional for cold days
Outdoor PE kits can be worn for indoor PE during the colder months.
The only permitted jewellery that may be worn is:
- One pair of stud earrings
- A watch (no smartwatches allowed)
All jewellery must be removed during practical lessons, e.g. during PE lessons and science experiments.
Hairstyles and Make-up
The school reserves the right to make a judgement on the suitability of pupils’ hair and appearance. Extreme hairstyles, such as mohawks, shaved patterns or hair dyed in an unnatural colour, are not allowed. Pupils with what could be deemed extreme hairstyles may be exempt from the rule above on racial or religious grounds, taking into consideration each individual pupil’s scenario. Pupils with long hair must ensure that this does not impede their vision, cover their face or provide a health and safety risk. Long hair must be tied up during practical lessons, e.g. during PE. Hair extensions are not permitted.
Make-up or nail varnish must not be worn in school.
Mobile Phones
Mobile phones
Mobile phones are permitted for Year 6 only - written consent must be sent by the parents/carers to the office email. Mobile phones are the responsibility of the pupil and not the school.
Lost or damaged items will not be refunded.
Sun Cream
Unless specifically prescribed, sun cream is not considered a ‘medication’ and therefore, the school will consider and manage the risk associated with exposure to the sun as part of their overall risk assessment process.
High factor sun cream should be applied at home before attending school. Parents/carers should provide their child with a hat (named) and a drink of water every day.
We have a selection of uniforms. If you have anything your child/children have outgrown, please send it in. If you are in need of support to provide your children with a uniform, we can try to source this from our pre-loved collection. Please contact our office via email to discuss further.